Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Flight Of The Arn



Song:  Flight Of The Arn

Composed / Performed:  James Toller

This is the last song for The Halo Trilogy...
from book three...Halo: The Return.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

The Tiger's Den - My Writing And Music Studio


I had just finished hanging up my guitars in this photo
(I installed the hangers directly into the wooden studs).

The electric Bass Guitar is on the left...
the Classical Guitar my son had bought me is in the center...
and the standard Electric Guitar is on the right.

And of course...
my Bass Flute is in front of the computer.

I kneeled on my bed to take this photo.  

Hopefully soon...
I will have my Medeli AKX -10 keyboard music arranger
 just to the right of where my chair is.

And even though I am still a beginner in music...
I hope to soon be able to play covers of some of my favorite songs
with these instruments.

I use the condenser microphone only to record the bass flute.

When I play the guitars...
I plug them directly into the computer interface...
even the classical guitar my son had bought me.

I had placed a contact transducer microphone in the middle of...
and just behind, the bridge of the guitar.

The sound is superior with this type of microphone for classical guitar.
(Addendum:  Actually, I had originally thought this because of the lack of a quality
universal condenser mike to record all the music.
I upgraded my mike and I now record everything with it).

For those wondering how to layer music...
I merely use the software included with the Mac...

It allows you to listen to the previously laid track/s on headphones
as you record the next track.

This is how one may keep time with the other instruments already recorded...
while recording multiple layers of a song.

I then use the software included on the Mac...iMovie...
to make the music videos for YouTube.

I also use Pages...
the included software on Mac...
to write and publish from.

It is all so interesting and so much fun.

I just love my Mac computer.

Anyway, this is where I do all of my writing and music.

I have two basic modes of operation...
and music.

When I write...
I listen to beautiful music.

I spend most of everyday here.  
I have a comfortable captain's chair which is generously padded.

When I get deep into my writing...
I will sometimes sit in the chair in front of the computer
 for more than 20 hours at a time.

When I am really absorbed in writing a story...
I will often fast for a few days...
as I don't wish to interrupt my thought process by having to cook or eat...
and I will write until I get sleepy...
wake up...
and start writing until I again get sleepy...
and so on...
sometimes for days on end
(I usually do this when my younger sister has my mother for those days).

I had blacked out the window...
and insulated it from light or noise.

I am nocturnal.

I am most creative after the sun sets...
until the sun rises.

I generally write and play music by the light of the computer only...
as it aids in feeling isolated from the rest of the world...
so I may indulge myself in my world.

This is the Tiger's Den.

For me...
there is almost nowhere else I would rather be.