Flute Music
This blog is for updates to my many projects in the works.
My true name is James Toller.
I had been using the pseudonym 'Shiroi Tora' for my other blogs...
as my son, Alex, was still young.
He is now a university student...
so, I now have the freedom to use my real name.
My great creative passions in life involve...
writing...music...amateur photography.
In The Kuma Trilogy (my just completed work)...
I incorporate all three of my creative passions.
And, the bass flute in particular...
is heavily incorporated into the story.
All of the deep emotions of...
great love...
experiencing 'the flow'...
the transformative feeling of beautiful sunsets...
I have...and continue to experience.
In the future...
I will be writing many more stories...
as this particular story...
as well as many more...
are always floating around in my head...
as well as musical pieces I have and will continue to compose.
The philosophy I incorporate in my stories are a conglomeration
of the many life lessons I have learned...
and have proven themselves valuable in my life.
Many of the locations depicted in the story...
I had actually been to...
and the story as a whole is a metaphor for many things I have experienced.
I am a part of each character depicted in the trilogy...
as well as are many other people I have met in life.
And, the basic characteristics of many of the characters...
I also took from some of my family members.
I am a part of each character depicted in the trilogy...
as well as are many other people I have met in life.
And, the basic characteristics of many of the characters...
I also took from some of my family members.
I made the tentative front and back book cover.
The picture for the front book cover is from an actual location
of one of the settings in the second book
(I hope to make it one volume...a trilogy).
(I hope to make it one volume...a trilogy).
I had taken the front cover photo while vacationing in Japan a few years ago.
It is located in the fishing port city of Sukumo...
on the island of Shikoku in Japan.
It is famous for something called the Daruma Sunset.
I am now just waiting on the copyright before I publish.
The government website for copyrighting states that it could be up to six months
before a copyright is given.
Once I receive the copyright...
I will be publishing on Amazon using my real name...
James Toller.
Once I receive the copyright...
I will be publishing on Amazon using my real name...
James Toller.
I have already composed several musical pieces for the bass flute for the story...
and I have more to compose...
as these particular songs play a large role in the trilogy.
as these particular songs play a large role in the trilogy.
I hope to record them, as well as make some YouTube music videos
from other locations depicted in the trilogy.
I will also publish the sheet music of the songs.
Hopefully, they will all be ready by the publishing date.
While the trilogy will most probably be categorized in the Romance section...
it is far more than a simple love story.
The story is filled with in-depth character development...
and written from both, the male and female perspectives.
It encompasses great loves and great losses...
of suffering and of healing...
of suffering and of healing...
of life, and of death.
The story is chaste and filled with an underlying philosophy
which lends itself to living life well...
to learn to appreciate the great simple pleasures in life...
even in the face of tragedy.